Skills, Jobs & Growth

Nations as different as India and Saudi Arabia have in common a large demographic dividend – their young and working-age populations are large relative to their population at retirement age. This can lead to growth and improved citizen wellbeing. How can public programs best support young people to acquire the education and skills the job market demands?

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Nations as different as India and Saudi Arabia have in common a large demographic dividend – their young and working-age populations are large relative to their population at retirement age. This can lead to growth and improved citizen wellbeing. How can public programs best support young people to acquire the education and skills the job market demands?


News, events, and insights from our policy-research engagements related to skills and the labor market.

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On May 2, new research findings regarding the Saudi labor market were presented at a EPoD-HRDF Symposium in Riyadh.

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EPoD co-hosted a research symposium on Evidence Based Policy for the Saudi Arabian Labor Market.

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EPoD has now opened a new round of Request for Proposals (RFP) for research related to labor markets and social development in Saudi Arabia.



How can the Saudi overseas scholarship program be more efficient?


Can providing information lower perceived barriers to female employment?


How does an unemployment assistance program impact job searches for program beneficiaries?


What are the inconsistencies between skills taught in the education system and the skills firms demand? 


The Chinese automobile industry has demonstrated remarkable growth and quality upgrading over the past decade.


Can data improve job placement of Saudi students?