Additional Activities in Capacity Building: Policy Dialogues

Additional Activities in Capacity Building: Policy Dialogues


Crowd-sourcing knowledge can spur policy innovation. Our policy dialogues bring together researchers, policymakers and other key stakeholders to develop solutions to policy problems, build consensus on critical issues, and cultivate future policy-research engagements. These dialogues plant the seeds for key players to start using EPoD’s Smart Policy Design and Implementation (SPDI) approach to apply existing and generate new evidence to develop solutions.


Policy dialogues are short, intensive convenings organized around pressing policy themes and topics of interest to the stakeholders.  Past examples include civil service reform in Pakistan, female labor force participation in India, and women’s economic empowerment in Nepal.


Policy dialogues bring together key stakeholders from a broad range of policy arenas, including government, political parties, military, private sector, civil society, academia and the media in a consensus-building environment around specific policy issues. Participants are selected to ensure a meaningful dialogue and to help identify and strengthen a network of ‘champions’ for evidence-based policy. In addition, they serve the purpose of highlighting the success stories where using evidence in policy design through collaboration between policymakers and academics has led to smart policy designs and subsequently high-impact outcomes.

Article|June 22, 2021

This first training event by the Morocco Employment Lab (MEL) gathered senior officials from key labor market institutions.

Article|August 23, 2017

On June 6, 2017, EPoD hosted a Global Dialogue event titled “Building Capacity to Act on Evidence: What Does It Take?”

Article|March 23, 2017

EPoD conducted a series of activities to advance the use of data and evidence in policymaking across South Asia.

Article|March 27, 2016

Why is the educational status of women in India is improving while their participation in the labour force is falling?

Article|September 1, 2016

The policy dialogue focused on the learning and practical application of the Smart Policy Design and Implementation Framework.