
As school enrollment numbers have increased worldwide, test scores have not always followed. Meanwhile, access to education by different social groups remains unequal. What changes to educational ecosystems can raise both enrollment and learning for all?

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As school enrollment numbers have increased worldwide, test scores have not always followed. Meanwhile, access to education by different social groups remains unequal. What changes to educational ecosystems can raise both enrollment and learning for all?


News, events, and insights from our policy-research engagements related to education.

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Evidence from LEAPS research shows private schools in Pakistan are accessible & provide high-quality learning.

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LEAPS Director Zainab Qureshi discusses the consequences of COVID-19 on low-cost private schools in Pakistan.

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Watch PI Jishnu Das present evidence from our two decades of work on education in Pakistan.



The bedrock of LEAPS research, this study follows students all the way into adulthood. 


We find giving parents information significantly increases student test scores.  


Schools need resources to innovate, but financing is a major constraint.


We connect low-cost schools to curriculum development, teacher training and technology.


A functioning teacher labor market can generate a virtuous cycle of education and learning.


We are helping to build a community of practice among stakeholders in the education ecosystem.