Taxation & Welfare

Governments cannot pay for quality public services or social protection for the poor unless they have dependable streams of revenue. Can policy innovations fast-track improvements to tax capacity, and strengthen the compact between citizens and the state?

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Governments cannot pay for quality public services or social protection for the poor unless they have dependable streams of revenue. Can policy innovations fast-track improvements to tax capacity, and strengthen the compact between citizens and the state?


News, events, and insights from our policy-research engagements on building the capacity of governments to generate revenue.

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There is no one-size-fits-all solution and we shouldn’t hold out hoping to find it.

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The HKS Assistant Professor and EPoD Faculty Affiliate describes his projects with governments in Africa.

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How can we motivate civil servants to better serve citizens? Asim Khwaja, Adnan Khan, and Tiffany Simon explain the research.