Gender Equality & Empowerment

Women and girls continue to suffer from discrimination around the world. And evidence shows that gender gaps inhibit economic progress and political representation. How can policies be designed to enable equal access and opportunity for women and girls?

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Women and girls continue to suffer from discrimination around the world. And evidence shows that gender gaps inhibit economic progress and political representation. How can policies be designed to enable equal access and opportunity for women and girls?


News, events, and insights from our policy-research engagements on female economic, social and political empowerment around the world.

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The EPoD Faculty Co-director explained the gender dimension of investment in visible vs. invisible infrastructure.

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EPoD Faculty Co-director Rema Hanna spoke about a government program on education in Indonesia.

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Female entrepreneurs may invest in their husband's household business rather than their own.



A large-scale examination of the impacts of the expansion of financial services in southern India.


If women receive more childcare support, will they work?


How do information and social norms influence employment aspirations for Saudi women?


Allowing women in Saudi Arabia to drive will save families money, but how much? 


Does the Nitaqat quota change female hiring patters in firms?


Can providing information lower perceived barriers to female employment?