Laura Metzger

photo of Laura Metzger

Laura Metzger

Postdoctoral Fellow
Person Description

Laura Metzger is a postdoctoral research fellow with the Center for International Development’s Evidence for Policy Design. Prior to joining EPoD, Laura worked as a Postdoc at ETH Zurich’s development economics group and NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation. She also received her PhD from ETH Zurich. Before and during her PhD, Laura worked for various development organizations including GIZ, GFA Consulting Group, and the German Development Bank (KfW).

Metzger conducts empirical research on the effectiveness and allocation of development assistance using experimental and non-experimental methods. At EPoD, Laura conducts research on evidence-based decision-making among individual policy makers in India and Pakistan. In her work, she uses lab-in-field experiments and combines development economics with behavioral science approaches.


Article|April 1, 2020

Does group collaboration lead to better decision making for South Asian civil servants?

Article|October 9, 2019

The BCURE training sessions serve as laboratories to understand how groups collaborate on learning.